Hi, glad you came by to check out my work. I have over 10 years of experience in designing, building and hosting websites from basic pages to complex content management systems and e-commerce solutions. I also have many years of experience in photography and its digital treatment. Please click the icons for more information.

Here is my web development project portfolio.

Technologies used include: HTML5, Javascript with JQuery, PHP, C#.NET, SQL, XML and Actionscript. Types of projects include front-end development, dynamic imaging, web production and database driven content management systems.

Here is my graphic and web design project portfolio.

These projects were built using technologies including: HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, InDesign & Processing JS. Types of projects include website design, brochure design, and logo design.

Here is my photography project portfolio.

My work includes event, architecture and travel.

Here is my complete Web Design & Development Resume.

Here's how to contact me.